Bev Keto Friendly Spritz Sauv Blanc
Bev Keto Friendly Spritz Sauv Blanc is only made with the best stuff and has no added sugar so you can have fun and still feel great the next day.
It all started with some unexpected medical issues and a series of pool parties to pay for them – but you can read more about that elsewhere 😉 This is a happy story and Bev has been waiting for you to write the ending.
Bev is not here just to give you an amazing drink (zero sugar and all!), but to change a culture & give you a few more things ‘Made by Chicks’. From their home in Venice to your fridge, Bev welcomes you to come along – one can at a time. So smile a little brighter, dance a little bigger, and join them on their journey –
Breaking the glass is a team effort. Bev is made by chicks, but it’s made for everyone. They believe that real change will come when women and men work together as equals and hold each other accountable in social spaces. Grab a Bev, grab a friend.