Potassium Chloride

Acceptable Keto IngredientWhat is Potassium Chloride?

It is a common, naturally occurring mineral. It is typically extracted from the ground via solution potash mining; that is, water is injected into the ground where potassium chloride deposits exist, the water dissolves the potassium chloride, and the saturated brine is pumped back to the surface and the water is evaporated leaving the potassium chloride behind. Potassium Chloride may also be extracted from the sea, in a similar process that is used to produce some sea salts. Potassium chloride is one of the minerals present in seawater that can be extracted through traditional solar evaporation.

Potassium chloride is used for two main purposes in food products. The first is to provide potassium enrichment to foods. The second is as a salt replacer to reduce the sodium content in foods. Like salt (aka sodium chloride), potassium chloride provides a salty flavor and can also often play other functional roles (e.g. microbial management, protein modification, flavor enhancement) that impacts the taste, texture, and shelf life of food products.

Keto Status?



It’s a mineral added that can help with electrolyte imbalances common on the keto diet.

Possible Side Effects From Ingesting Potassium Chloride?

N/A in small amounts as a food ingredient.  If taken as a medication or supplement, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; gas, stomach pain; or the appearance of a potassium citrate tablet in your stool.


PLEASE NOTE – I Heart Keto Mart will add more sources and up-to-date research articles as they come to our attention. We welcome any of our viewers to send us any information/research/articles that you think would be of interest to our rating decision. Keep in mind – we are not rating ingredients solely on their general health benefits or side effects. To see our rating process, click on the link below.

I Heart Keto Mart Rating Guide

I Heart Keto Mart rates all ingredients through a “keto diet” & “low carb diet” lens. As an example, peas would be rated as “Acceptable” on a non-keto healthy diet; however, due to their carbohydrate level, we rate them “Objectionable”. We also rate all sweeteners that typically cause a rise in blood sugar and insulin levels as “Objectionable”. If you prefer a natural sweetener, like honey, over a sugar alcohol like erythritol, you may not agree with our “Objectionable” rating. I Heart Keto Mart rates all ingredients based first and foremost for those that have a sugar/carbohydrate addiction. Ingredients are rated for those who must moderate if not completely abstain from any sugars. If you have questions about this, please refer to this article: Why Some Whole Foods Are Not Keto Friendly


I Heart Keto Mart is not a health care provider. We are an online keto educational site that shares keto approved products and low carb products and defines and rates their ingredients. I Heart Keto Mart’s hope is that our viewers will educate themselves on “all things ingredients” so they can easily identify keto approved ingredients and eliminate or greatly restrict unacceptable keto ingredients. I Heart Keto Mart is the best online keto store and online low carb store with 1000s of products and an informative blog that shares keto articles and keto recipes, interviews keto coaches and keto product manufacturers and so much more.  We are keto affiliates and each of the keto approved products we rate is linked to the vendor’s site where the product may be purchased. I Heart Keto Mart may earn a small commission from these sales. Amazon is one of these affiliates.